
To Walk With God

The last month or so of my mission, I put together a packet of talks and Ensign articles "to be read/studied" soon after my return. Oddly enough, six years later (and despite good intentions), I've just now opened it up. The topics seem typical of the "recently returned missionary" type ranging from finding/being a worthy companion, getting an education, serving in the Church, magnifying our callings and roles and most frequently, continuing the quest of daily personal revelation and a closeness to the Lord.

One talk by Joe J. Christensen titled "Toward Greater Spirituality"* lists 10 things he does/we can do in terms of a personal inventory to achieve this goal (his list will follow in another post). But it's the why he addresses in the first portion that strikes me:

"Spirituality is the sine qua non (the "without which not"). It is not only the thoroughly genuine desire to live in harmony with the will of God at all times, as guided by the Spirit, but also the ability to surrender totally and willingly to this guidance - and thus to do that which the Spirit whispers. To be truly spiritual is to walk with God. It is the key to true happiness and success in our lives in all kinds of circustances."

Frankly, I'd like to walk with God. I'd like to feel His comfort and confidence and encouragement all day, every day. I'd like to find true happiness and success in all circumstances. So all of a sudden, this search - and thirst - for closer communion, for greater spirituality, sinks in and is meaningful. And it's obvious that it's not a place, but a journey, a becoming, and truly - a constant consuming quest.

*Ensign, June 1983

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